Q&A with ATL UTD 2 Head Coach Stephen Glass


ATL UTD 2 head coach Stephen Glass recaps the 2019 season and shares insight for him and his team for 2020.

How was the transition from ATL UTD Academy to ATL UTD 2?

“It was fairly smooth. I think the fact that I knew a lot of the players from the previous year helped. I obviously know a lot of the Academy players that came up to help us as well.”

What was your most pleasing moment of the season?

“I think the most pleasing aspect for me was coming along to the playoff matches at the end of the season for the first team and seeing players that we had a hand in helping. There were some young players that were attending it that had achieved a first team contract or a Homegrown contract, and obviously Mikey Ambrose had been with us for several matches in a row, and he was able to come in and impact a first team playoff match.”

Q&A with ATL UTD 2 Head Coach Stephen Glass -

How do you think the ATL UTD Academy System will continue to help you and your team moving forward?

“I think the more years that Academy’s doing what they do. It’s obviously going to be a bigger help because we will have a great group of coaches with their hands-on players for longer. I think the coaches here have not had a chance to truly impact a group for a high number of years. I think you will see as the years go on that will be more impactful, the influence the coaches have and younger age groups can help.”

Where are some areas of the team you’re looking into changing for 2020?

“I think it would be great for us if we have a more certain group. Obviously, we saw what can be achieved when we have that late in the season. I think if Henry [Apaloo] and myself are able to manage the team as best as we can while the roster is moving. It’s very fluid with personnel changing every week to week. I think we were handling that very well, but we can get more results in our performances with a similar group match to match. Anytime the group settles, I think we will be better for it.”

What are you looking forward to the most in 2020?

“I’m looking forward to starting again. Obviously, you miss it. You have little bits of training here and there, but you miss matchday. Matchday is the thing I look forward to the most, always to see the results of what we are doing. I think it’s still my personality of being a player. I love matchday. We will get a new group preseason and try to influence our group. I’m looking forward to the new group and first matchday of the season.”

'History of Atlanta Soccer' podcast

"The History of Atlanta Soccer" presented by Piedmont is a new audio series from Atlanta United that tracks the growth of soccer in the city, from the turn of the century to organized teams like the Atlanta Chiefs, Silverbacks and Atlanta United.